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About us

The Collegiate Recovery Program (CRP) at Cal is a program for students in recovery from substance use as well as those who are currently struggling with alcohol and drug use. We are a community on campus dedicated to supporting students in their recovery efforts by providing resources for recovery, health & wellness, and academic success. With these efforts, we aim to create an inclusive environment and supportive community to help students thrive at Cal and beyond.

The collegiate recovery program at Cal is open to students in all stages of recovery, embraces a harm reductionist approach, and recognizes there are multiple pathways to recovery. We offer a community-based approach utilizing peer support services.

Our mission

Our mission is to promote the personal, academic and social success of students in or seeking recovery. In this pursuit, we aim to:

  • Foster an inclusive community for students struggling with alcohol and drug use regardless of financial, cultural, or social barriers.

  • Hold a safe space where students can create community, foster solidarity, and combat stigma attached to recovery.

  • Empower and advocate for students in recovery as a marginalized population, as a university-recognized program.

What we offer

On Campus Recovery Meetings and Resources

Go to the recovery meeting page to see our current recovery meetings under on campus CRP meetings or scroll down to our calendar. In Summer 2023, we’re holding one recovery meeting on campus weekly, every and Wednesday in 102 Sproul Hall at 5pm.

CRP Individual Peer Support

Get support from a person with shared lived experience in recovery. A peer support coach can share their experience being a person in recovery at UC Berkeley and discuss recovery relevant issues. Peer recovery coaches can provide support around recovery planning, sharing campus and community resources (recovery, academic, other), finding and accessing community support, skill building, relapse prevention, and goal setting.

Social Services

Social Services at the Tang Center offers a range of clinical alcohol and other drug-related services, supporting a spectrum of harm reduction goals for individuals and our campus community. They are located at the Tang Center (2222 Bancroft Way #2280, Berkeley, CA 94720) on the 2nd floor, room 2280, and can be reached by phone at (510) 642-6074. 

Harm Reduction Expansion Project

The Harm Reduction Expansion Project (co-sponsored by The Collegiate Recovery Program and PartySafe@Cal) seeks to expand existing harm reduction information, training and resources to address risks of potential fentanyl contamination.

We provide the following for students, staff, faculty and student groups:

  • Low to no cost fentanyl test strips (FTS)

  • Naloxone/Narcan

  • Harm reduction & recovery awareness education and training resources

  • Leadership to reduce stigma related to substance use in our campus community that interferes with our capacity to help ourselves and each other

Recovery Scholar Program

We have funding available for the Spring 2024 semester for students in or seeking recovery from substance use or addiction, who participate in CRP as advocates for recovery & wellness on campus. Successful applicants will receive $300-400 at the end of the semester upon completion of program requirements. 

The purpose of the Recovery Scholar fund is to provide financial support via a modest stipend to students who are active recovery advocates on campus. 

Not all applicants will necessarily receive awards. This is a pilot program. To apply, first review eligibility requirements and then fill out an application. The Spring 2024 application deadline is Tuesday January 23, 2024.

Meet Our Team


Add our calendar to view our meeting schedule and social events!

Contact us:

Address: 102 Sproul Hall, Berkeley, CA 94720


